Are you experiencing foot pain or looking for a podiatrist? Whatever your reason is, you’re likely wondering how to find the best foot and ankle doctor near you. Many factors should be considered when choosing the right doctor, but it’s easier than ever with these simple tips.

Talk to Friends and Family.

One of the best ways to find a reliable doctor is by talking to people you trust. If they’ve had positive experiences with doctors, ask for their recommendations. Even if you don’t know anyone in surrounding areas, asking co-workers or local government employees (for example, police officers) who they recommend can provide a starting point.


While someone may be recommended to you, it’s essential to consider their experience level. Don’t choose a doctor who is fresh out of school if you have serious medical concerns. While a doctor’s experience is essential, you don’t want to overlook their youth and dedication.

Look Into Online Reviews and Ratings

You can look up doctors on sites like Yelp to see what people say about them. Whenever possible, try to avoid any one-off or highly polarizing reviews in favor of those that reflect experiences similar to yours.

Cost Is Important

While you shouldn’t choose a doctor solely on their price, it’s one of the first things you should consider. How are they with insurance? Are there any hidden fees? Consider what services you need and how much your co-pays will be before committing to a specific appointment.

Determine Their Specialty

Some doctors focus solely on pediatrics or geriatrics, so you should consider your best candidate based on what you need. If you’re experiencing foot pain, ask them about their experience treating ailments like plantar fasciitis or arthritis.

Check for Accreditation and Board Certification

An important aspect when choosing a doctor is if they carry the appropriate licensing and certifications for your specific needs. While most foot and ankle doctor is licensed, not all of them are board-certified. It’s essential to investigate what types of specialties they have so you can choose the best doctor for your situation.

Tell Them About Your Needs

Don’t be afraid to talk with a doctor and let them know your situation. You can even detail what you expect from their services, including the frequency of appointments and any treatments they should provide. This lets them know precisely what you’re looking for and will help them give customized advice, such as recommendations for supportive footwear.

Consider Ongoing Treatment

Not all doctors offer ongoing treatments, which can be harmful depending on your needs. It’s important to note if they’ll perform one-time or ongoing treatments before committing to any appointments. If you plan on having ongoing care throughout the year, make sure they have availability in their schedule when you need them.

See if They Have an Open Door Policy

When you go to a new doctor, it’s important that you feel comfortable. It may be helpful to avoid doctors who don’t permit patients to ask questions or seem rushed during appointments. Consider looking elsewhere if you feel like the doctor is trying to hurry through your appointment or brush off your concerns.


Finding the best doctor near you can be a challenge, but it’s much easier if you do your research. The tips above should help you find the right doctor for your needs.


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