
You’ve probably wished for something delicious many times while lounging in the coziness of your home. After a long day, we all know that a sweet treat that instantly lifts one’s spirits is always welcome. Few are the pleasures that we can compare to the joyful feeling of eating chocolate, ice cream, cake, or another tempting treat. 

That’s why we’ve decided to share a unique recipe that will awaken all of your senses. We sincerely hope you like pudding! If you do, you will love this delicious dessert that’s the right balance of sweetness and relaxation. Roll up your sleeves and let’s get started!

What you need

The tasty components in this easy-to-make delicacy are incredibly appealing, representing a delicious blend of flavors that few people can resist. 

You probably already have the necessary ingredients in your home. If you have CBD edible gummies, you can use them instead of a CBD tincture. That way, this delightful pudding might taste even better.

Let’s see what ingredients to prepare.

You will need:

  • 20 ml CBD tincture 
  • 60g honey (you can add more or less if necessary)
  • 3 bananas
  • 50 g peanuts
  • 500g cream cheese
  • 50g chia seeds

How it’s made


Put the chia seeds in a bowl with 100 mL of water, cover the bowl with transparent foil (stretch foil), and let them soak overnight.

The next day, after the seeds have absorbed the water, place them in another bowl. 

Then, put honey in a new pot with some water and stir it until it boils to make it more liquid-like. When the honey has lost a little of its consistency, let it cool a bit before adding CBD oil and mixing the ingredients well.

Next, combine the cream cheese, honey, and CBD oil in the bowl where you’ve put the chia seeds. Mash one banana until it has a puree-like texture, then pour it into the bowl containing all the other ingredients and combine them well.

Prepare the dishes for serving the pudding (cups, bowls, etc.). Pour a few spoonfuls of pudding into each bowl or cup and add some banana rings. Then, add another layer of pudding before topping with banana rings and a sprinkle of crushed peanuts.

Put the pudding in the fridge to let it set. Serve it after a few hours.



There is a way to soak chia seeds faster if you don’t have time to wait overnight. All you’ll need is a mason jar to get started.

After placing the chia seeds in the mason jar, fill it halfway with water and close it tightly. After 10-15 minutes, the seeds will soften and have the desired texture.

You can substitute cream cheese for yogurt if you don’t have any on hand. If you want more CBD in your pudding, make a banana yogurt and combine it with CBD oil.

As for the original recipe, it is good to leave it overnight or for a couple of hours in a fridge to get a firmer texture.

How to store it

When it comes to storing this pudding, it’s best to keep it in the fridge, like any other food – if you resist eating it all, that is.

Keeping it at room temperature is not a good idea because it will spoil.

If you want to get creative with the leftovers, make a cake mix and spread it between the layers. However, we highly recommend finishing the dessert the next day to avoid spoilage.

Tips for making food with CBD


This recipe hits the spot for making a tasty dessert that you’ll want to eat every day. If you wish to keep combining CBD with food, here is how to get the most out of it.

Starting small is a smart idea for beginners. Start with tiny quantities when you first begin adding CBD to your diet. That’s the best way to avoid any side effects and enjoy the benefits. 

The second point to remember is always to use high-quality CBD from trusted providers.

If you’re going to store CBD oil for food preparation, keep it somewhere dry and cool. Last but not least, do not heat the oil directly, since that will cause it to lose its qualities and effects.


The pudding recipe above is yet another delicious way to consume CBD. It’s necessary to keep in mind that you should exercise caution with CBD oil even when making such luscious sweets.

Every day, new products containing this compound appear on the market. Gummy candies, pastries,  CBD-infused water, chocolates, and muesli bars are only some of them.

However, we can all agree that home-cooked meals are the best option. Another advantage is that you have the freedom to experiment with CBD oil and blend it with other foods (moderately). There’s nothing left for us to say but bon appetit!


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